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Known as Loli or Sixrax in RaiderZ but also known as iHentai on other games but my livestream channel name is Kawingshek which is also my forum id on RaiderZ.

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Warframe Closed Beta

Game title: Warframe
Genre: Sci-fi, co-op, TPS (Third person shooter)
Review: Are you a L4D fan? Well this game is close to it when it comes to co-op with missions that are generated depending on each planet. You are fighting against three factions which and each planet has a difficult boss to beat to obtain certain crafting materials for crafting which is also a unique way to obtain items that are available in store but also special items and warframes which is new classes. However the game is heavy based on cash shop to get your maximized inventory slots, class slots and aswell as going "pro" mode which unlocks more perks/mod slots or passive stats that are bound to equipments and to your warframe. Each upgrade cost 20, and if you plan to just play one class only and want to upgrade everything you will need for your primary weapon, secondary, melee and for your class. so that's 4 upgrades which is 80. You do start off with 50 as a new player but you will still be forced to buy with real money to upgrade everything on your loadout. But as many fans out there, you want to try out each warframe but certain skills are only available in upgraded version which would be more money to spend which I find it really bad. But that's how they plan out on doing business but for the gameplay it feels really smooth and fun, but going stealth missions as Sam fisher or Solid Snake is really really hard unless you got silenced weapons or skills. The game becomes a little bit repetitive as they only have one map with two themes. The matchmaking system is a little bit random but they are still improving a lot during closed beta stage. I haven't checked the game out for a while but from my experience of first day I find the game a good game, especially playing with friends on a co-op game. The graphics are stunning that makes the game a new game but still under development with more features to be added which could be changing my review and ratings of the game.
Ratings: ★★★☆☆
Official website: https://warframe.com/
Closed Beta Keys: mmobomb closed beta key giveaway

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Path of Exile Open Beta

Game title: Path of Exile
Review: The game is marvelous in all aspects, if you are a hardcore diablo fan or been interested but wanted to play a Free to play version then this is the game for you. The game offers some sort of no currency as you need to trade in different items to purchase which could also be used for upgrading or removing stats on your gear. This game has an unique passive skill tree system which is complicated for a beginner, but depending on what mode you prefer you might want to stick with different builds as you don't need DPS only at certain situation or modes (refering to hardcore mode). The game difficulties seems to be really hard as I've died to a random champion/mini boss on 2nd field. I expect this game to be out there with more content available, but for now it's the same as diablo games where you just grind, farm and repeat the same levels which could be a bit boring for some. Overall I rated this game with 4/5 stars.
Ratings: ★★★★☆
Official website: http://www.pathofexile.com/

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Archeblade 2nd Closed Beta

Game title: Archeblade
Genre: MMO Fighting
Review: A fun game with various of characters, however no keybinding for the mouse button for regular and secondary attack. The game has a few unbalanced characters and with the servers being either full or empty isn't really a good idea with no option to be able to make a private room. The game is still in closed beta and I think it needs a bit more work with more maps released because one map is bound to one mode. Otherwise the game is fun, however lacks a little bit of something of everything. The rating is low due to closed beta stage as it could improve a lot more but for now it doesn't feel like it's a good release material for open beta yet. Rankings or player level should be added so we could skip the arcade system and go for more competitive.
Ratings: ★★☆☆☆
Official website: http://en.codebrush.net/home

Tera F2P on February 5th

Game title:TERA
Review: As the rumors says, Free to play will be available in February with no restriction however if you want to try out the game now there is the option for Unlimited Trial which has a few restriction but still free to play without any fee. The restriction are lv 28 cap, no friend invite, no guild creation, no whisper. The game has been a big hype for me since it went release but also bad reviews/rumors from other players occured during the time it was P2P. However the game feels smooth, feels a bit outdated graphics upclose but it is an old MMORPG considering it's been out for a while. I love the distance graphics on buildings and the enviroment as the first time you reach the big city Velik. The annoying thing with the game is that it shares the same thing as RaiderZ does when you open up a menu and move, it will terminate it which could be annoying if you plan on looking at skills or browsing your inventory while running. Another bad feature is the NPC conversation that overflows your chat and if you plan on talking in local then you might want to filter away global chat. But on the otherside the game is really something that you should experience as it went from P2P to F2P. Atleast give it a try because now is the chance to play and see for yourself the wonderful game of TERA and their class/race system.
Ratings: ★★★★☆
Official website: US Version | EU version

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Firefall Closed Beta

Game title: Firefall
Ratings: ★★★☆☆
Review: The game has been tweaked and a lot of changes happened during the first beta session of Firefall. Since I love shops and leveling system, they completely removed that and added this skill tree where you gain gears and skill which is a bit too easy for a veteran player like me that prefers the old ways. The game is splendid with the way of multiple features added such as story quests and other notifications added. However the thumper is still there for most of the grinding part. The time I was playing Firefall with my viewers it felt like the game lacked of players and there were numerous of bugs which bothered me a lot. The game is still in Closed Beta and a lot of changes can happen as they showed us in this early stage of Closed Beta. What this game lack is the change channel/instance feature which could be hard for you and your new friends to find eachother. And perhaps fix some story quests some quests are bugged that prevents you from doing different missions and instead start to farm and repeat the same old grinding. The ingame cash shop is relevant to most games with costumes, however buying battleframe(class) slots is probably the only thing that's important if you plan on getting all classes without selling them and then re-buy them if you plan on using them again.

Official website: http://www.firefallthegame.com/

Review template

Game title: Game name
Genre: FPS/RTS/MMORPG etc.
Ratings: (Star system from bad to good 0/5) ★★☆☆☆
Official website: http://

Welcome to the first post!

Since I've started to slightly lean towards to more games instead of focusing on one game, I've started another blog and called it Gaming blog as I'm rating, reviewing sharing games that I currently will download and play.
Links of download and official website will be added of course so stay tuned as this is still under development as it recently created as one of my project.