Game title: Firefall
Ratings: ★★★☆☆
Review: The game has been tweaked and a lot of changes happened during the first beta session of Firefall. Since I love shops and leveling system, they completely removed that and added this skill tree where you gain gears and skill which is a bit too easy for a veteran player like me that prefers the old ways. The game is splendid with the way of multiple features added such as story quests and other notifications added. However the thumper is still there for most of the grinding part. The time I was playing Firefall with my viewers it felt like the game lacked of players and there were numerous of bugs which bothered me a lot. The game is still in Closed Beta and a lot of changes can happen as they showed us in this early stage of Closed Beta. What this game lack is the change channel/instance feature which could be hard for you and your new friends to find eachother. And perhaps fix some story quests some quests are bugged that prevents you from doing different missions and instead start to farm and repeat the same old grinding. The ingame cash shop is relevant to most games with costumes, however buying battleframe(class) slots is probably the only thing that's important if you plan on getting all classes without selling them and then re-buy them if you plan on using them again.
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